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    DEA Class;  Rx, OTC

    Common Brand Names; Galzin, ZnCl2

    • Trace Elements/Metals

    Cofactor in over 100 enzymes; plays a role in DNA synthesis; supports a healthy immune system; helps maintain a sense of smell and taste; may assist in porper function of insulin

    Copper is indicated as Common Cold and Wilson Disease


    Source: shellfish, fish, red meat; plant sources (whole grains, legumes, nuts) less bioavailable d/t phytic acid binding



    Gastric irritation

    Elevations of serum alkaline phosphatase, amylase, and lipase that may return to high normal within 1-2 years of therapy

    Neurologic deterioration

    Not for direct injection into peripheral vein (may cause infusion phlebitis)

    Injection contains aluminum, which may cause toxicity in prolonged parenteral administration if renal function impaired

    Do not use zinc intranasally (as in Zicam)-risk of permanent loss of smell

    Lozenges sweetened with citric acid, mannitol, or sorbitol have decreased efficacy; should only be sweetened with glycine

    Wilson disease

    • Not recommended for initial therapy of symptomatic patients with because of the delay required for zinc-induced increase in enlerolyhc metallothionein and blockade of copper uptake; may be used as maintenance therapy after patient has stabilized on initial chelation therapy
    • Symptomatic patients should be treated initially, using chelating agents for initial therapy; neurological deterioration may occur as copper stores are mobilized

    Pregnancy Category: A (Galzin); C (injction or gluconate)

    Lactation: Present in breast milk, use caution



    RDA expressed as elemental zinc

    Males (>14 years): 11 mg/day

    Females (>19 years): 8 mg/day

    Pregnancy: (14-18 years old): 12 mg/day; (>19 years): 11 mg/day

    Lactation: (14-18 years): 13 mg/day; (>19 years): 12 mg/day

    UL: (14-18 years): 34 mg/day; (>19 years old): 40 mg/day



    RDA expressed as elemental zinc

    0-6 months: 2 mg/day

    6-12 months: 3 mg/day

    1-3 years: 3 mg/day

    3-8 years: 5 mg/day

    8-13 years: 8 mg/day

    13-18 years: 11 mg/day


    Capsule (zinc gluconate)

    • 50mg

    Capsule (zinc acatate)

    • 25mg
    • 50mg

    Tablet (zinc gluconate)

    • 15mg
    • 30mg
    • 50mg
    • 100mg

    Tablet extended release (zinc gluconate)

    • 100mg

    Lozenge (zinc gluconate)

    • 10mg
    • 13.3mg


    • 13.3mg

    IV solution (zinc sulfate)

    • 1mg/mL
    • 5mg/mL

    IV solution (zinc chloride)

    • 1mg/mL