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    VIDAYLIN-L Ingredient(s):

    Each 5 ml teaspoon of ViDaylin-L Syrup contains:


    Indications: ViDaylin-L Liquid is a daily multivitamin with lysine indicated for children and adults.

    Vidaylin Syrup is a multivitamin syrup that is composed of multiple vitamins that include a combination of vitamin B12, vitamin B9 that is more commonly known as folic acid, iron and zinc and it also contains nutrients that are required by a person’s body to stay in optimal health.Vidaylin syrup is an essentially important multivitamin that caters to the vitamin deficiencies in a person. Vitamins are an important nutrient required by a body that helps in regulating the normal body functions.

    Available Forms: Syrup

    Pack Size: 120ml bottle in carton

    It is always recommended have vidaylin syrup dosage as prescribed by your doctor, but if you have not followed the instructions carefully, the following side effects may be experiencing.Some of the side effects of using vidaylin syrup are constipation, diarrhoea, upset stomach, headache and dizziness. The person may feel sleepy and inactive. Nausea will also be experienced, and mild body pain is another side effect associated with vidaylin syrup.Although the above mentioned side effects are short-lived and might disappear as your body adjusts to these with medications, however, if these temporary side effects persisted longer and remained ignored, it can be harmful to your body. So you should always tell your doctor if you experience these symptoms.Remember that if your doctor has perceived you to take vidaylin syrup as a treatment for vitamin define it means that its benefits are greater than the risk of the side effects but developing the above symptoms is probable, so you check-up with the doctor on a regular basis.Constipation, diarrhoea and stomach cramping are temporary side effects; however, allergic reactions are serious if caused by vidaylin syrup. Try to seek immediate help from a doctor if you notice any of the allergic reactions, including rashes, itching, swelling, dizziness and troubled breathing.
    It is highly advisable always to tell your medical history to your doctor. Never use vidaylin syrup without the consultation form your pharmacist. Secondly, it is preferred not to use this multivitamin product more than once in a day.You should always tell your doctor if you are allergic to any of the ingredients present in vidaylin syrup to avoid developing rashes and itching.One should avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages when taking vidaylin syrup and diabetic patients always consult doctors before using it.