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    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Dyazide, Maxzide

    • Thiazide Combos

    Thiazide diuretic and a potassium-sparing diuretic
    Used for hypertension and edema
    Triamterene counteracts potassium loss caused by hydrochlorothiazide; efficacy is diminished in patients with renal insufficiency.

    Indicated for the treatment of peripheral edema or hypertension.

    Hypersensitivity to triamterene, hydrochlorothiazide, or sulfonamides (hydrochlorothiazide is a sulfonamide)

    Concomitant administration with potassium rich diets, or any other form of potassium supplementation

    Chronic or significant renal insufficiency or significant renal impairment


    Hyperkalemia ≥5.5 mEq/L


    • Jaundice

    • Weaknes

    • Headache

    • Azotemia

    • Dizziness

    • Fatigue

    • Xerostomia

    • Photosensitivity

    • Rash

    • Diarrhea

    • Nausea

    • Vomiting

    • Hyperuricemia

    • Hyper/hypokalemia

    • Interstitial nephritis


    • Hypotension

    • Dizziness

    • Vertigo

    • Headache

    • Alopecia

    • Erythema multiforme

    • Toxic epidermal necrolysis

    • Stevens-Johnson syndrome

    • Fever

    • Hyperglycemia

    • Anorexia

    • Epigastric distress

    • Glycosuria

    • Hypokalemia

    • Phototoxicity

    Triamterene can cause hperkalemia in patients at risk including patients with renal dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, the severely ill, the elderly; monitor serum potassium levels at frequent intervals especially with any illness that may cause renal dysfunction or when dosages are changed

    Acute transient myopia and acute angle-closure glaucoma have been reported, particularly with history of sulfonamide or penicillin allergy

    Hydrochlorothiazide can cause electrolyte disturbances including hypokalemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, and hyponatremia

    Photosensitization may occur; instruct patients to protect skin from sun and undergo regular skin cancer screening

    Use with caution in diabetes mellitus, hepatic impairment, gout, hypercalcemia, hypercholesterolemia, kidney stones, parathyroid disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and renal impairment

    Risk of cross-reaction in patients with allergy to sulfonylurea, sulfonamides, thiazides, loop diuretics, or carbonic anhydrase may occur

    Pregnancy category: C

    Lactation: Not recommended; discontinue drug or do not nurse


    75 mg/day PO triamterene and 50 mg/day PO hydrochlorothiazide.


    75 mg/day PO triamterene and 50 mg/day PO hydrochlorothiazide.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.



    • 37.5mg/25mg
    • 50mg/25mg


    • 37.5mg/25mg
    • 75mg/50mg