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    DEA Class;  Rx

    Common Brand Names; Desyrel, Desyrel Dividose, Oleptro, Trazodone D

    • Antidepressants, Other; 

    Oral selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor/serotonin type 2 receptor antagonist with significant sedative actions
    Approved for use in adults for major depressive disorder, but commonly used off-label for insomnia
    Boxed warning for use in pediatric patients and young adults due to risk for suicidality

    Indicated for the treatment of depression (major depressive disorder).

    For the treatment of insomnia.
    For the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).


    • Blurred vision (5-15%)
    • Dizziness (20-28%)
    • Drowsiness (24-40%)
    • Dry mouth (15-34%)
    • Fatigue (6-15%)
    • Headache (10-33%)
    • Nausea/vomiting (10-21%)
    • Constipation (7-8%)
    • Edema (3-7%)
    • Confusion (5-6%)
    • Disorientation (<2%)
    • Incoordination (2-5%)
    • Nasal congestion (3-6%)
    • Orthostatic hypotension (<7%)
    • Syncope (<5%)
    • Tremor (1-5%)
    • Weight change (5%)
    • Ejaculation disorder (2%)
    • Decreased libido (1-2%)
    • Priapism
    • Sedation
    • Alopecia
    • Anxiety
    • Acne
    • Anemia
    • Increased apetite
    • Diplopia
    • Insomnia
    • Urinary retention
    • Vertigo

    Administer shortly after meal; if drowsiness occurs, decrease dosage or give most of divided dosage HS

    Discontinue if prolonged or inappropriate erection occurs

    Discontinue if neutropenia, leukopenia

    Use caution in patients with risk of seizures

    Clinical worsening and suicide ideation may occur despite medication in adolescents and young adults (18-24 years)

    Perform leukocyte and differential with fever, sore throat, or other signs of infection

    Discontinue if leukocytes/ANC decreases below normal range

    Coadministration with MAO inhibitors: risk of serotonin syndrome

    Drugs that interfere with serotonin reuptake have been associated with bleeding; trazodone may also impair platelet aggregation resulting in increased risk of bleeding events

    Potentially life-threatening serotonin syndrome reported when coadministered with drugs that impair serotonin metabolism (in particular, MAOIs, including nonpsychiatric MAOIs, such as linezolid and IV methylene blue) (see Contraindications)

    Coadministration with NSAIDs and aspirin, may increase risk of bleeding

    Bone fractures associated with antidepressant treatments

    Increases risk of hyponatremia

    Use caution in patients with risk of seizures including head trauma, alcoholism, brain damage

    May worsen psychosis in patients or precipitate mania or hypomania; screen, for bipolar disorder, patients presenting with depressive symptoms

    May cause orthostatic hypotension and syncope; use wiht caution

    QT prolongation with or without torsade de pointes and ventricular tachycardia reported

    May increase risk associated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT); discontinue ECT before initiating trazodone therapy

    Risk of mydriasis; may trigger angle closure attack in patients with angle closure glaucoma with anatomically narrow angles without a patent iridectomy

    Published prospective cohort studies, case series, and case reports over several decades with use in pregnant women have not identified drug-associated risks of major birth defects, miscarriage, or adverse maternal or fetal outcomes

    Data from published literature report the transfer of trazodone into human milk; there are no data on effect on milk production; limited data from postmarketing reports have not identified an association of adverse effects on breastfed child


    Immediate release tablets: 400 mg/day PO for outpatients and 600 mg/day PO for inpatients
    Extended-release tablets: 375 mg/day PO.


    Immediate release tablets: 400 mg/day PO for outpatients and 600 mg/day PO for inpatients
    Extended-release tablets: 375 mg/day PO.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established; in clinical trials, doses off-label have not exceeded 150 mg/day PO.


    6 to 12 years: Safety and efficacy have not been established; off-label max: 6 mg/kg/day PO; doses off-label have not exceeded 150 mg/day PO for those 12 years and older.
    Less than 6 years: Safety and efficacy have not been established.

    Trazodone hydrochloride


    • 50mg
    • 100mg
    • 150mg
    • 300mg

    tablet, extended-release

    • 150mg
    • 300mg