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    DEA Class;  Rx

    Common Brand Names; Restoril

    • Sedative/Hypnotics

    Oral benzodiazepine; shorter half-life than flurazepam and no active metabolites; for insomnia.

    Indicated for the short-term treatment of insomnia.

    Documented hypersensitivity

    Acute alcohol intoxication

    Narrow-angle glaucoma (questionable)

    • Drowsiness (9.1%)
    • Dizziness (4.5%)
    • Lethargy (4.5%)
    • Hangover (2.5%)
    • Diarrhea (1.7%)
    • Euphoria (1.5%)
    • Weakness (1.4%)
    • Confusion (1.3%)
    • Vertigo (1.2%)
    • Amnesia
    • Angioedema
    • Blood dyscrasias
    • Sleep-related behavior (eg, sleep driving, sleep cooking, sleep eating)
    • Ataxia

    Use caution in COPD, sleep apnea, renal/hepatic disease, impaired gag reflex, open-angle glaucoma (questionable), alcoholism, respiratory disease, depression, suicidal ideation

    May impair ability to perform hazardous tasks

    Caution with IV use in shock, coma, and depressed respiration and in patients who recently received other respiratory depressants

    Anterograde amnesia may occur

    Use caution in patients with history of drug abuse or acute alcoholism; tolerance, psychological and physical dependence may occur with prolonged use

    Use in myasthenia gravis is allowed in limited circumstances

    Use caution in severe respiratory depression and depressed neuroses, psychotic reactions

    Paradoxical hyperactive aggressive behavior reported

    Therapy can cause drowsiness and a decreased level of consciousness; patients, particularly the elderly, are at higher risk of falls

    May cause hyperactive or aggressive behavior

    Use of drug, particularly in patients at elevated risk of abuse, necessitates counseling about risks and proper use of drug along with monitoring for signs and symptoms of abuse, misuse, and addiction; do not exceed recommended dosing frequency

    Avoid or minimize concomitant use of CNS depressants and other substances associated with abuse, misuse, and addiction (eg, opioid analgesics, stimulants); advise patients on proper disposal of unused drug; if a substance use disorder is suspected, evaluate patient and institute (or refer them for) early treatment, as appropriate

    Pregnancy Category: X

    Lactation: Avoid if breastfeeding


    30 mg/day PO.


    30 mg/day PO.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    capsule: Schedule IV

    • 7.5mg
    • 15mg
    • 22.5mg
    • 30mg