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    SURBEX SYRUP Ingredient(s):

    Each 5 mL of Surbex Syrup contains the following ingredients:


    Indications: Surbex Syrup is indicated for the use in the prevention and treatment of Vitamin B-Complex deficiency with vitamin C supplementation. 

    Surbex syrup is good for children as it boosts immunity, provides essential vitamins to the body and reduces weakness, fatigue, and fulfills the daily requirements of vitamins.

    Available Forms: Syrup

    Pack Size: 120ml bottle in carton

    In some cases, it may cause mild to moderate adverse reactions. In the case of side effects, discontinue the use and try to find a doctor. Major Side effects may include, skin irritations, itching, rashes, redness, and swelling on the skin. Others may include digestive problems , i.e. bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease), nausea, and vomiting, etc. Consult a doctor, if you have hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.

    Keep out of the reach of children. Protect from direct exposure to sunlight, and heat. Store below the room temperature.