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    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Klaron, Ovace Plus, Ovace Plus Shampoo, Ovace Plus Wash, Ovace Wash

    • Acne Agents, Topical; 
    • Sulfonamides, Topical

    sulfacetamide ophthalmic (Rx)

    Brand and Other Names: Bleph 10, Sodium Sulamyd, sulfacetamide sodium
    • Classes: Antibiotics, Ophthalmic

    Sulfonamide antibiotic used for ophthalmic or topical administration; used commonly for conjunctivitis or superficial eye infections; also for scaling dermatoses.

    Indicated for scaling dermatoses (eg, seborrheic dermatitis, seborrhea sicca [dandruff]); also indicated for the treatment of secondary bacterial infections of the skin due to organisms susceptible to sulfonamides

    For the topical treatment of scaling dermatoses, such as seborrheic dermatitis, and seborrhea sicca.
    For the treatment of secondary bacterial skin and skin structure infections due to organisms susceptible to sulfonamides.
    For the treatment of trachoma.


    • Erythema
    • Itching
    • Edema
    • Local irritation
    • Stinging
    • Burning

    Avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes

    Severe reactions to sulfonamides including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, fulminant hepatic necrosis, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, and other blood dyscrasias reported

    Avoid UV exposure

    Contains sodium metabisulfite that is known to cause allergic reactions

    Pregnancy Category: C

    Lactation: not known whether excreted in breast milk, use caution


    The maximum dosage is dependent on route of administration and indication for therapy.


    The maximum dosage is dependent on route of administration and indication for therapy.


    The maximum dosage is dependent on route of administration and indication for therapy.


    The maximum dosage is dependent on route of administration and indication for therapy.

    Sodium sulfacetamide


    • 10% (Klaron)


    • 10% (Ovace Plus)


    • 10% (Ovace Plus Shampoo)

    wash, oil in water emulsion

    • 10% (Ovace Plus Wash)


    • 10% (Ovace Wash)

    ophthalmic solution

    • 10%
    • 15%
    • 30%


    • 10%