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    DAE Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Furacin 

    • Antibacterials, topical

    Nitrofurazone is a topical antibiotic used for the prevention and treatment of wound infections in patients with second and third-degree burns and also used to treat skin infections due to skin grafts.

    • Burns or Skin infections
      This medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of bacterial skin infections in patients with second and third-degree burns and who underwent skin grafting.
    • Nitrofurazone is primarily indicated in conditions like Bacterial infections, Bladder irrigation, Burns and ulcers, Dermatosis, Otitis media, Skin infections, Wounds.
    Nitrofurazone is contraindicated in conditions like Renal impairment.


    The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Nitrofurazone, which give rise to further complications include Peripheral neuropathy, Thromboembolic disorder.

    Major & minor side effects for Nitrofurazone

    • Skin rash
    • Skin irritation
    • Swelling and redness at the application site

    Drug should not be given to Pregnant Mothers, and patients suffering from Kidney dysfunction

    Because of the risk of haemolysis, nitrofurazone by mouth should be used with caution in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Avoid use topical nitrofurazone in patients with known hypersensitivity. Preparations containing macrogil should be used with caution in renal impairment.


    This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before using this medicine.


    This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless absolutely necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before using this medicine. If the medicine is used, care should be taken such that the infant does not come into contact with the medicine.


    0.2 %-0.2 (0.2)-As recommended.-Topical-2-4 times daily




    No data regarding the neonatal dosage details of Nadroparin (Ca) is available



    • 0.2 %w/w


    • 0.2 %w/w