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    DEA Class;  Rx, OTC

    Common Brand Names; Privine, Naphcon, All Clear, All Clear AR, Bausch & Lomb Advanced Eye Relief Redness Instant Relief, Bausch & Lomb Advanced Eye Relief Redness Maximum Relief, Clear Eyes ACR Seasonal Relief, Clear Eyes for Dry Eyes Plus Redness Relief, Clear Eyes for Redness Relief, AKCon, Albalon, Rohto Cool

    • Decongestants, Intranasal
    • Decongestants, Ophthalmic; 
    • Alpha Agonists, Ophthalmic

    Ophthalmic vasoconstrictor used for redness and lubrication

    Naphazoline Uses

    • Nasal Decongestant
    • Ocular Vasoconstrictor/Decongestant: Temporary relief of ocular redness caused by irritation & relief of burning or irritation caused by dry eyes

    Heart disease (incr BP, HR, palpitations)

    Narrow angle glaucoma

    Anatomic narrow angle


    CNS (anxiety, dizziness, tremor, etc)





    Local irritation

    Rebound congestion

    Blurred vision

    Mild transient stinging and/or irritation


    Increased or decreased intraocular pressure


    Caution in HTN, hyperthyroidism, ocular injury, DM, open-angle glaucoma

    Overuse may cause rebound congestion

    Use with caution in patients with hypertension, cardiovascular abnormalities, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, infection, or injury

    Stop use if vision changes, eye pain, or condition worsens

    Concurrent use with MAO inhibitors may cause hypertensive crisis

    Use in children, especially infants, may result in CNS depression leading to coma and marked reduction in body temperature

    Advice patients to discontinue drug and consult physician if relief not obtained within 48 hours of therapy, if irritation, blurring or redness persists or increases, or if symptoms of systemic absorption occur, eg, dizziness, headache, nausea, decrease in body temperature, or drowsiness

    To prevent contaminating dropper tip and solution, do not touch any surface, the eyelids or surrounding area with dropper tip of the bottle; if solution changes color or becomes cloudy, do not use

    Pregnancy Category: C

    Lactation: not known if excreted in breast milk


    16 drops/day in each eye


    16 drops/day in each eye


    Safety and efficacy not established.


    Safety and efficacy not established.

    Naphazoline Hydrochloride

    Nasal spray

    • 0.05% (20mL)

    Ophthalmic solution

    • OTC: 0.012%
    • OTC: 0.02%
    • 0.1%