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    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Aldoril

    • Thiazide Combos

    Hydrochlorothiazide, a thiazide diuretic, and methyldopa, a central antiadrenergic agent, are combined in 1 tablet to treat hypertension; not indicated for initial treatment of hypertension.

    Indicated for the treatment of hypertension.


    Renal decompensation

    Hypersensitivity to either component or sulfonamides

    Mitral valve rheumatic heart disease

    Active liver disease, such as acute hepatitis and active cirrhosis

    Liver disorders previously associated with methyldopa therapy

    Concomitant therapy with monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors


    • Angina

    • Arthralgia

    • Bradycardia

    • Orthostatic hypotension

    • Depression

    • Dizziness

    • Lethargy

    • Sedation

    • Rash, liver toxicity

    • Gynecomastia

    • Impotence

    • Dry mouth

    • Nausea/vomiting

    • Hemolytic anemia

    • Thrombocytopenia, lupus-like syndrome


    • Anorexia

    • Epigastric distress

    • Hypotension

    • Orthostatic hypotension

    • Photosensitivity

    • Anaphylaxis

    • Anemia

    • Confusion

    • Erythema multiforme

    • Stevens-Johnson syndrome

    • Exfoliative dermatitis including toxic epidermal necrolysis

    • Hypomagnesemia

    • Dizziness

    • Headache

    • Hyperuricemia

    This fixed-combination drug is not indicated for initial therapy of hypertension; requires therapy titrated to the individual patient before fixed-combination drug therapy initiated

    DM, fluid or electrolyte imbalance, hyperuricemia or gout, liver disease, renal disease, SLE, hypotension

    May aggravate digitalis toxicity

    Sensitivity reactions may occur with or w/o history of allergy or asthma

    Risk of male sexual dysfunction

    CHF, dialysis pts (increased risk of hypertension following procedure), edema, hemolytic anemia, severe bilateral CVD

    Avoid abrupt withdrawal

    Risk of decreased libido and impotence in men

    May impair ability to perform hazardous tasks

    Tolerance develops on prolonged therapy, especially if no concurrent diuretic (methyldopa causes Na and water retention)

    Acute transient myopia and acute angle-closure glaucoma has been reported, particularly with history of sulfonamide or penicillin allergy (hydrochlorothiazide is a sulfonamide)

    Interferes with some lab tests

    Pregnancy Category: C

    Lactation: both components appear in breast milk, use caution

    NOTE: Additional methyldopa doses may be necessary. Do not exceed maximum dosage for each individual drug.


    50 mg/day PO hydrochlorothiazide and 750 mg/day PO methyldopa.


    50 mg/day PO hydrochlorothiazide and 750 mg/day PO methyldopa.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.



    • 10mg/12.5mg
    • 20mg/12.5mg