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Methenamine/Hyoscyamine (Discontinued)

    DEA Class;  Rx

    Common Brand Names; Prosed DS, Darpaz, Urogesic Blue

    • Antibiotics, Other

    Methenamine: Hydrolyzed in acidic urine to ammonia and formaldehyde, which are bactericidal agents; does not convert to formaldehyde in serum

    Hyoscyamine: Elicits anticholinergic activity; decreases urinary spasms with cystitis

    Additional ingredients in some products: Methylene blue (weak antiseptic properties); sodium phosphate monobasic (acidifier); phenyl salicylate (mild analgesic)

    Use only after eradication of UTI by other appropriate antibiotic

    Methenamine: Indicated for prophylaxis/suppression for chronic recurring UTIs when long-term therapy is required

    Hyoscyamine: Adjunctive treatment for lower urinary tract hypermotility and spasm


    • Hypersensitivity to methenamine or tartrazine (FD&C Yellow No. 5)

    • Renal or severe hepatic insufficiency

    • Concurrent sulfonamides or acetazolamide may form insoluble precipitate in urine


    • Hypersensitivity to hyoscyamine or related compounds

    • Closed-angle glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, hemorrhage w/ cardiovascular instability, paralytic ileus, intestinal atony of elderly/debilitated pt, obstructive uropathy, toxic megacolon, GI obstruction, tachycardia secondary to cardiac insufficiency or thyrotoxicosis

    • Breastfeeding

    • Dry skin
    • Dysuria
    • Discoloration of urine (blue)
    • Gastric upset
    • Nausea
    • Rash
    • Blurred vision
    • Constipation
    • Dysphagia
    • Photosensitivity


    • Large doses may cause bladder irritation, urinary frequency, albuminuria, and hematuria

    • Maintain acidic pH of urine, esp. when treating urea-splitting organisms (eg, Proteus, Pseudomonas)

    • Monitor LFTs, especially with history of liver impairment

    • Safe use not established during pregnancy, especially 1st and 2nd trimester

    • May precipitate uric acid stones in patients with gout


    • Renal/hepatic impairment, BPH, CHF, CAD, HTN, COPD, hiatal hernia, reflux esophagitis, mitral stenosis, brain damage or spastic paralysis in children, salivary secretion disorder, Down syndrome, autonomic neuropathy, hyperthyroidism, tachyarrythmia, toxin-mediated diarrhea

    • Elderly

    Pregnancy Category: C

    Lactation: hyoscyamine and methenamine excreted in human milk; caution in breastfeeding women


    1 tablet/capsule PO q6hr with liberal fluid intake


    <16 years: Safety/efficacy not established

    ≥16 years: 1 tablet/capsule PO q6hr with liberal fluid intake


    Avoid hyoscyamine except in short-term situations to decrease secretions; high incidence of anticholinergic effects (Beers criteria)



    • 81mg/0.12mg

    tablet, capsule

    • 120mg/0.12mg