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    DEA Class;  Rx

    Common Brand Names; 

    • Antianxiety Agents; 
    • Anxiolytics, Nonbenzodiazepines

    Carbamate derivative; inhibitory effects in thalamus, limbic system; may inhibit multineural spinal reflexes

    Mild sedative, anticonvulsant, muscular relaxant effects

    Indicated for the treatment of anxiety, Preoperative Sedation.

    Hypersensitivity, allergy to related drugs (eg, carisoprodol)

    History of porphyria


    • Abnormal ECG, palpitations, tachyarrhythmia

    • Asthenia, ataxia, dizziness, EEG abnormality, euphoria, fast, excitement, paradoxical, headache, paresthesia, slurred speech, somnolence, vertigo

    • Hives, maculopapular eruption, erythematous

    • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

    • Disorder of accommodation (ocular)


    • Cardiac dysrhythmia, hypotension crisis, syncope

    • Bullous dermatosis (rare), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (rare)

    • Agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, leukopenia

    • Anaphylaxis (rare)

    Hypersensitivity may occur

    May impair physical or mental abilities due to CNS depression

    Secreted into breast milk; avoid during breastfeeding

    Caution in patientw with depression or suicidal tendencies

    Caution in hepatic/renal impairment or seizure disorder

    Pregnancy Category: D

    Lactation: secreted into breast milk at 2-4x plasma concentration; avoid



    1200-1600 mg/day PO divided q6-8hr; not to exceed 2.4 g/day

    Preoperative Sedation

    400 mg PO before the procedure



    <6 years old: Not recommended

    6-12 years old: 100-200 mg PO q8-12hr

    >12 years old: 1200-1600 mg/day PO divided q8-12hr; not to exceed 2.4 g/day

    Preoperative Sedation

    200 mg PO prior to procedure


    tablet: Schedule IV

    • 200mg
    • 400mg