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Iron Dextran Complex

    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; INFeD, Dexferrum

    • Iron Products

    Parenteral iron supplement of ferric oxyhydroxide complexed with dextrans; rapidly repletes iron stores in deficiency from anemia or blood loss; sometimes associated with severe hypersensitivity.

    Indicated for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in patients in whom oral iron administration is unsatisfactory or impossible.

    For the treatment of anemia of prematurity.

    History of hypersensitivity to product or excipients

    • Abdominal pain
    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Arthralgia
    • Arthritis
    • Soreness
    • Inflammation
    • Pruritus
    • Rash
    • Urticaria
    • Brown discoloration of skin

    There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women; should be used during pregnancy only if potential benefit justifies potential risk to fetus

    Exercise caution when product is administered to a nursing woman; traces of unmetabolized iron dextran are excreted in human milk

    Total dosage with iron dextran must be individualized according to the patients age, weight, and the degree of the iron-deficiency anemia. Excess accumulation may occur if iron therapy is continued after the correction of the deficiency. The following are generally accepted limits in the treatment of iron-deficient patients.


    100 mg/day IV or IM. See individual dosage if using total dose IV infusion methods.


    100 mg/day IV or IM. See individual dosage if using total dose IV infusion methods.


    100 mg/day IV or IM. See individual dosage if using total dose IV infusion methods.


    10 kg or more: 100 mg/day IV or IM. See individual dosage if using total dose IV infusion methods.
    5 to 9.9 kg: 50 mg/day IV or IM.


    4 months and older (weight 5 to 9.9 kg): 50 mg/day IV or IM.
    4 months and older (weight less than 5 kg): 25 mg/day IV or IM.
    1 to 3  months: Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.

    Iron dextran complex

    injectable solution

    • 50mg (Fe)/mL