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    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Duobrii

    • Antipsoriatics, Topical

    Topical combination product of very high potency, fluorinated corticosteroid and a retinoid
    Used to treat plaque psoriasis in adults
    Contraindicated for use during pregnancy; perform pregnancy testing within 2 weeks of treatment; use birth control during treatment

    Indicated for the treatment of plaque psoriasis.

    • Contact dermatitis (7%)
    • Application site pain (3%)
    • Folliculitis (2%)
    • Skin atrophy (2%)
    • Excoriation (2%)
    • Rash (1%)
    • Skin abrasion (1%)
    • Skin exfoliation (1%)

    Based on animal reproduction studies, retinoid pharmacology, and potential for systemic absorption, may cause fetal harm when administered to females of reproductive potential and is contraindicated during pregnancy (see Pregnancy)

    Local adverse reactions may include atrophy, striae, telangiectasias, folliculitis, and contact dermatitis; if these adverse reactions occur, discontinue treatment at least until integrity of skin is restored; do not resume treatment if allergic contact dermatitis is identified

    Avoid use on eczematous skin; may cause severe irritation

    Posterior subcapsular cataracts and glaucoma reported postmarketing with topical corticosteroid use

    Use appropriate antimicrobial agent if skin infection is present or develops; if favorable response does not occur promptly, discontinue until infection adequately treated

    Contraindicated in women who are pregnant

    No data available on the presence of tazarotene, halobetasol propionate, or its metabolites in human milk, effects on the breastfed infant, or effects on milk production after treatment


    1 application per day topically; 50 grams per week topically.


    1 application per day topically; 50 grams per week topically.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    topical lotion

    • 0.01%/0.045%