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Ethacrynic Acid

    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Edecrin

    • Diuretics, Loop

    Potent parenteral and oral loop diuretic; useful in patients who are unresponsive to other diuretics; greater risk of ototoxicity when compared to other loop diuretics.

    Indicated for the treatment of peripheral edema, including idiopathic edema, lymphedema, or edema secondary to ascites, heart failure, or nephrotic syndrome.

    For the treatment of acute pulmonary edema.

    For the acute treatment of hypercalcemia associated with neoplastic disease in combination with intravenous saline.

    For the treatment of hypertension.

    Hypersensitivity to ethacrynic acid

    Anuria, severe, watery diarrhea

    Use in infants

    • Injection site reaction
    • Hyperuricemia
    • Gout
    • Hypotension
    • Hypokalemia
    • Electrolyte abnormalities
    • Hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia
    • Hyperlipidemia
    • Ototoxicity
    • Tinnitus
    • Photosensitivity
    • Muscle cramps
    • Dizziness
    • Confusion
    • Headache
    • Nausea/vomiting
    • Anorexia
    • Dysphagia
    • Diarrhea
    • Pancreatitis
    • Agranulocytosis
    • Neutropenia
    • Thrombocytopenia
    • Hematuria

    Avoid concurrent use with lithium or furosemide

    Diabetes mellitus, geriatrics, liver disease, renal impairment

    Risk of fluid or electrolyte imbalance, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, hypotension, metabolic alkalosis

    Risk of ototoxicity (tinnitus, reversible/irreversible hearing impairment)

    Discontinue use if severe, watery diarrhea occurs

    Pregnancy Category: B

    Lactation: excretion in milk unknown/not recommended


    400 mg/day PO or 100 mg/dose IV.


    400 mg/day PO or 100 mg/dose IV.


    3 mg/kg/day PO; safety and efficacy of IV administration has not been established but 1 mg/kg/dose IV has been used.


    3 mg/kg/day PO; safety and efficacy of IV administration has not been established but 1 mg/kg/dose IV has been used.


    Use is contraindicated.

    Ethacrynate sodium; Ethacrynic acid

    powder for injection

    • 50mg


    • 25mg