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    DEA Class; OTC

    Common Brand Names; Balminil DM, Benylin DM, Bronchophan, Buckleys DM, Calmylin #1, Delsym, Koffex DM, Novahistex DM, Robitussin Lingering Cold Long-Acting Cough, Robitussin Lingering Cold Long-Acting CoughGels, Children’s Robitussin Cough Long-Acting, Sucrets 8 Hour Cough Relief DM Cough Formula

    • Antitussives

    Oral non-opioid antitussive with no expectorant activity
    Used to treat cough; generally regarded as useful in suppressing cough due to chronic bronchitis and COPD; less evidence of its efficacy in treating cough due to upper respiratory illness
    As an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, it has been studied in the treatment of cancer, postoperative, and neuropathic pain but the high doses required often cause intolerable side effects

    Indicated for temporary relief of cough; especially useful for non-productive cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation associated with the common cold, inhaled irritants, or chronic bronchitis.

    For the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy.

    Concurrent nonselective MAO inhibitors: Serotonin syndrome









    Do not take for persistent or chronic cough associated with smoking, asthma, or emphysema, or if it is accompanied by excessive phlegm unless directed by a healthcare provider; may slow respiration rate

    Hallucinations, confusion, agitation, hyper-reflexia, shivering, myoclonus, and tachycardia may occur

    Caution in children younger than 6 years

    Not for OTC use in children <4 years

    Use caution in patients who are sedated, debilitated or confined to supine position

    Pregnancy category: C

    Lactation: Not known if excreted in breast milk; use caution


    120 mg/day PO for extended- and immediate-release formulations as a cough suppressant ; off-label suggested maximum for diabetic neuropathy: 960 mg/day PO of immediate-release formulations.


    120 mg/day PO for extended- and immediate-release formulations as a cough suppressant ; off-label suggested maximum for neuropathy: 960 mg/day PO of immediate-release formulations.


    120 mg/day PO for extended- and immediate-release formulations.


    6 to 11 years: 60 mg/day PO for extended- and immediate-release formulations.
    4 to 5 years: 30 mg/day PO for extended- and immediate-release formulations.
    2 to 3 years: 30 mg/day PO for immediate-release formulations ONLY.
    Less than 2 years: Safety and efficacy have not been established.

    Dextromethorphan hydrobromide


    • 15mg


    • 15mg

    gel, oral

    • 7.5mg/5mL

    liquid, oral

    • 7.5mg/5mL
    • 10mg/5mL
    • 15mg/5mL

    syrup, oral

    • 5mg/5mL
    • 7.5mg/5mL
    • 10mg/5mL
    • 15mg/5mL
    • 20mg/15mL

    liquid, extended release

    • 30mg/5mL


    • 5mg
    • 7.5mg
    • 15mg

    strip, oral

    • 7.5mg


    Liquid and syrup: 10-20 mg PO q4hr OR 30 mg q6-8hr

    Gel: 30 mg PO q6-8hr; not to exceed 120 mg/24hr

    Extended release: 60 mg PO q12hr; not to exceed 120 mg/24hr

    Lozenges: 5-15 mg PO q1-4hr; not to exceed 120 mg/day

    Strips: 30 mg PO q6-8hr; not to exceed 120 mg/day