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    DEA Class; (Herb/Suppl)

    Common Brand Names; American cranberry, black cranberry, European cranberry, low cranberry, mossberry, Oxycoccus macrocarpus, trailing swamp cranberry, Vaccinium edule, Vaccinium erythrocarpum, vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium occycoccus, Vaccinium vitis

    • Urology, Herbals


    Metabolism: N/A

    Excretion: N/A

    Mechanism of Action

    Proanthocyanidins, other compounds prevent bacterial adherence to urothelium

    Does not significantly decrease urine pH

    Suggested Uses

    UTI (prevention), urinary deodorizer for incontinent patients, type 2 diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, scurvy, pleurisy, as a diuretic, antiseptic, antipyretic, & cancer


    Studies show significant reduction in the risk of recurrent UTI’s in the elderly, hospitalized patients, and pregnant women

    No reliable evidence shows effectiveness for treating UTI

    Urinary odor: Preliminary research shows there may be a reduction in urinary odor in patients receiving oral cranberry

    Diabetes: Clinical studies show NO improvement in fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, fructosamine, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes

    History of kidney stones

    GI upset, diarrhea, kidney stones at high doses

    Increased risk of cancer oxalate uroliths in predisposed patients

    Atrophic gastritis, hypochlorhydria

    Potential interaction with warfarin & increased bleeding risk

    Potential hypersensitivity

    No evidence for efficacy in treatment

    Pregnancy Category: avoid use

    Lactation: avoid use

    Suggested Dosing

    UTI, Prevention


    • Cranberry juice cocktail (26% cranberry juice): 10-16 oz/day PO
    • Cranberry juice: 15 mL BID PO


    • 400 mg BID PO

    Urinary Deodorizer for Incontinent Patients

    Cranberry juice cocktail

    • 3-6 oz/day PO



    • Each 5.6g sachet contains: Cranberry standardized powder extract…. 250mg