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    DEA Class; OTC, Rx

    Common Brand Names; Dailyhist-1, Tavist Allergy

    • Antihistamines, 1st Generation

    Oral sedating first-generation antihistamine with a longer duration of action (12 hours)
    Used to temporarily reduce symptoms of the common cold, seasonal allergies, and other respiratory allergies such as rhinorrhea, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal and throat pruritus

    Indicated for

    • Allergic Rhinitis
    • Urticaria
    • Angioedema

    Other Indications & Uses

    Perennial & seasonal allergic & vasomotor rhinitis, relief of symptoms from colds, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic reactions, pruritus, allergic conjunctivitis

    Documented hypersensitivity

    Lower respiratory disease, eg, asthma (controversial)

    Preemies & neonates

    Nursing women

    • CNS depression
    • Drowsiness
    • Sedation ranging from mild drowsiness to deep sleep (most frequent)
    • Dizziness
    • Lassitude
    • Disturbed coordination
    • Muscular weakness
    • Restlessness, insomnia, tremors, euphoria, nervousness, delirium, palpitation, seizures is less common
    • Epigastric distress
    • Anorexia
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Cholestasis, hepatitis, hepatic failure, hepatic function abnormality, jaundice is rare
    • Eczema, pruritus, inflammation, papular rash, erythema on exposed skin may occur with topical formulation
    • Tachycardia, palpitation ECG changes (eg, widened QRS) Arrhythmias (eg, extrasystole, heart block)
    • Hypotension
    • Hypertension
    • Dizziness, sedation, and hypotension may occur in geriatric patients
    • Dryness of mouth, nose, and throat
    • Dysuria
    • Urinary retention
    • Impotence
    • Vertigo
    • Visual disturbances
    • Blurred vision

    Caution in narrow angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, stenosing peptic ulcer, pyloroduodenal obstruction, or bladder neck obstruction

    Pregnancy Category: B

    Lactation: enters breast milk/not recommended


    8.04 mg/day PO clemastine fumarate; 6 mg/day PO clemastine base.


    8.04 mg/day PO clemastine fumarate; 6 mg/day PO clemastine base. The elderly are more sensitive to anticholinergic effects.


    8.04 mg/day PO clemastine fumarate; 6 mg/day PO clemastine base.


    12 years: 8.04 mg/day PO clemastine fumarate; 6 mg/day PO clemastine base.
    6 to 11 years: 4.02 mg/day PO clemastine fumarate; 3 mg/day PO clemastine base.
    Less than 6 years: Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Use is contraindicated.

    Clemastine fumarate


    • 1.34mg
    • 2.68mg


    • 0.67mg/5mL