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    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Tagamet HB

    • Histamine H2 Antagonists

    Oral/parenteral histamine type 2-receptor antagonist.
    Used for gastrointestinal disorders such as peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
    Exhibits many clinically significant drug interactions due to inhibition of CYP450 enzymes.

    Indicated for 

    • Benign Gastric Ulcer
    • Duodenal Ulcer
    • Erosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
    • Heartburn

    Other Indications & Uses

    PUD (treatment, maintenance), gastric ulcer treatment, GI bleeding prevention in critically ill patients, hypersecretory conditions (e.g., Zollinger-Ellison)

    Hypersensitivity to cimetidine or other H2 receptor antagonists

    • Headache (2.1%)
    • Dizziness (1%)
    • Somnolence (1%)
    • Gynecomastia (0.3-4%)
    • Confusion (elderly)
    • Impotence
    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

    Antiandrogen: may cause feminization & sexual dysfunction in males

    If patient taking a prescription drug, the patient should ask a doctor or a pharmacist whether cimetidine can be taken concomitantly with it

    Pregnancy Category: B

    Lactation: enters breast milk/not recommended


    1200 mg/day PO for most indications, 1600 mg/day PO for GERD. Up to 2400 mg/day PO for pathologic hypersecretory conditions.


    1200 mg/day PO for most indications, 1600 mg/day PO for GERD. Up to 2400 mg/day PO for pathologic hypersecretory conditions.


    < 16 years: 40 mg/kg/day PO for most indications; data are limited.
    >= 16 years: 1200 mg/day PO or IV for most indications. 1600 mg/day PO for GERD. Up to 2400 mg/day PO for pathologic hypersecretory conditions.


    40 mg/kg/day PO or IV for most indications; data are limited.


    40 mg/kg/day PO or IV; data are limited.


    20 mg/kg/day PO or IV; data are limited.


    injectable solution

    • 150mg/mL

    oral solution

    • 300mg/5mL


    • 200mg
    • 300mg
    • 400mg (Rx)
    • 600mg (Rx)
    • 800mg (Rx)