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    DEA Class; Rx

    Common Brand Names; Prevalite, Questran, Questran Light, LoCholest

    • Bile Acid Sequestrants

    Oral bile acid resin; used to treat hypercholesterolemia or pruritis secondary to cholestasis.

    Indicated for treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipoproteinemia as an adjunct to diet to reduce elevated total-C and LDL-C.

    For the treatment of pruritus associated with biliary stasis.
    For the treatment of diarrhea.

    Hypersensitivity to bile-sequestering resins

    Complete biliary obstruction

    • Belching
    • Constipation
    • Dental erosion
    • Diarrhea
    • Duodenal ulcer bleeding
    • Flatulence
    • Gallstones
    • Heartburn
    • Hypoprothrombinemia
    • Malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Pancreatitis
    • Perianal irritation
    • Rectal pain
    • Steatorrhea
    • Stomach pain
    • Weight gain or loss

    Use with caution in renal impairment

    Volume depletion

    Concomitant spironolactone therapy

    Not for use with baseline fasting triglyceride levels ≥300 mg/dL or type III hyperlipoproteinemia; use with caution in patients with triglyceride levels 250-299 mg/dL; perform fasting lipid panel in 4-6weeks after initiation; discontinue use if triglycerides are >400 mg/dL; secondary causes of hyperlipidemia must be ruled out before therapy is initiated

    Not to be used as monotherapy in hypertriglyceridemia

    With prolonged use, increased risk of bleeding because of hypoprothrombinemia from vitamin K deficiency

    May interfere with fat absorption and decrease absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)

    May exacerbate preexisting constipation (initiate therapy at lower dosage in patients with history of constipation)

    Special care must be taken to avoid constipation in patients with symptomatic coronary heart disease

    Always mix with water or fluids; never ingest dry powder

    Some formulations contain phenylalanine

    Because of large quantities of chloride ion released from resin (which may lead to hyperchloremic acidosis and increase urinary calcium excretion on prolonged use), it may be advisable to reduce chloride intake

    Take other drugs at least 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after taking cholestyramine to minimize possible interference with absorption

    Pregnancy category: C

    Lactation: Drug does not enter breast milk; use with caution because of potential vitamin loss in mother


    24 g/day PO for hypercholesterolemia; 16 g/day PO for pruritus.


    24 g/day PO for hypercholesterolemia; 16 g/day PO for pruritus.


    8 g/day PO for hypercholesterolemia.


    8 g/day PO for hypercholesterolemia.



    • 4g

    powder for oral suspension

    • 4g/dose (231g)
    • 4g/dose (378g)
    • 4g/dose (210g)