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Carbamide Peroxide

    DEA Class;  OTC

    Common Brand Names; Debrox, Murine Ear Wax Removal, Auro Ear Drops, ERO Ear, Cankaid, Gly-Oxide, Orajel Perioseptic

    • Otics, Other
    • Oral Rinses

    Deodorant action, probably by inhibiting odor-causing bacteria

    Mild mechanical loosening effect on cerumen (earwax) that has been softened by anhydrous glycerin

    Carbamide peroxide Otic Indications

    • Softening, Loosening, & Removing Excessive Ear Wax

    Carbamide peroxide Oral Indications

    Canker Sores or Gum Irritation

    Apply several drops to affected area, expectorate after 2-3 minutes, OR

    Place 10 drops on tongue, mix with saliva, swish in mouth for several minutes, then expectorate

    May repeat up to 4 times/day

    Oral Hygiene

    Liquid 15%: Every day use; apply to toothbrush, cover with toothpaste, brush & expectorate



    Perforated tympanic membrane, discharge or pain, irritation or rash in the ear, use in eye


    Minor irritation




    Patient instructions: do not use if ear drainage, discharge, pain, irritation, or rash occurs

    If dizzy, consult healthcare professional

    Do not use if perforation or injury of ear drum exists or after ear surgery unless directed to do so

    Do not generally use for >4 days

    May flush remaining wax out with warm water and rubber ear syringe

    Not for use as OTC medication for patients < 2 years

    Overgrowth of opportunistic infections possible with prolonged use

    Consult dentist or physician if severe or persistent oral inflammation persists

    Pregnancy category: C

    Lactation: Not secreted into breast milk

    Pregnant or breastfeeding patients should seek advice of health professional before using OTC drugs

    Carbamide Peroxide

    Ear Drops

    • 15ml