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Canola Oil

    Synonyms:  Canbra oil; Colzao CT; huile de colza; Lipex 108; Lipex 204; Lipovol CAN; low erucic acid colza oil; low erucic acid rapeseed oil; rapae oleum raffinatum; tower rapeseed oil.

    Description: A clear, light yellow-colored oily liquid with a bland taste.

    Chemical Name: Canola oil

    Emollient; lubricant; oleaginous vehicle.

    • Canola oil is a refined rapeseed oil obtained from particular species of rapeseed that have been genetically selected for their low erucic acid content.

    • In pharmaceutical formulations, canola oil is used mainly in topical preparations such as soft soaps and liniments.

    • It is also used in cosmetics.

    Canola oil is generally regarded as an essentially nontoxic and nonirritant material, and has been accepted by the FDA for use in cosmetics, foods, and pharmaceuticals. Rapeseed oil has been used for a number of years in food applications as a cheap alternative to olive oil. However, there are large amounts of erucic acid and glucosinolates in conventional rapeseed oil, both substances being toxic to humans and animals. Canola oil derived from genetically selected rapeseed plants that are low in erucic acid content has been developed to overcome this problem. The FDA specifies 165.55 mg as the maximum amount for each route or dosage form containing the ingredient. Feeding studies in rats have suggested that canola oil is nontoxic to the heart, although it has also been suggested that the toxicological data may be unclear.

    Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances and quantity of material handled. Spillages of this material are very slippery and should be covered with an inert absorbent material prior to disposal. Canola oil poses a slight fire hazard.

    Almond oil; corn oil; cottonseed oil; peanut oil; rapeseed oil; sesame oil; soybean oil.