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Calcium Sulfate


    Calcium sulfate anhydrous anhydrite; anhydrous gypsum; anhydrous sulfate of lime; Destab; Drierite; E516; karstenite; muriacite; Snow White.

    Calcium sulfate dihydrate alabaster; calcii sulfas dihydricus; CalTab; Compactrol; Destab; E516; gypsum; light spar; mineral white; native calcium sulfate; precipitated calcium sulfate; satinite; satin spar; selenite; terra alba; USG Terra Alba.

    Description:  Calcium stearate occurs as a fine, white to yellowish-white, bulky powder having a slight, characteristic odor. It is unctuous and free from grittiness.

    Chemical Name: Calcium sulfate 
    Calcium sulfate dihydrate

    • Calcium sulfate dihydrate is used in the formulation of tablets and capsules. In granular form it has good compaction properties and moderate disintegration properties.

    • Calcium sulfate hemihydrate , is used in the preparation of plaster of Paris bandage, which is used for the immobilization of limbs and fractures; it should not be used in the formulation of tablets or capsules.

    • Anhydrous calcium sulfate is hygroscopic and is used as a desiccant.

    • The uptake of water can cause the tablets to become very hard and to fail to disintegrate on storage.

    • Therefore, anhydrous calcium sulfate is not recommended for the formulation of tablets, capsules, or powders for oral administration.

    • Therapeutically, calcium sulfate is used in dental and craniofacial surgical procedures.

    In the presence of moisture, calcium salts may be incompatible with amines, amino acids, peptides, and proteins, which may form complexes. Calcium salts will interfere with the bioavailability of tetracycline antibiotics. It is also anticipated that calcium sulfate would be incompatible with indomethacin, aspirin, aspartame,  ampicillin, cephalexin,  and erythromycin  since these materials are incompatible with other calcium salts

    Calcium sulfate dihydrate is used as an excipient in oral capsule and tablet formulations. At the levels at which it is used as an excipient, it is generally regarded as nontoxic. However, ingestion of a sufficiently large quantity can result in obstruction of the upper intestinal tract after absorption of moisture. Owing to the limited intestinal absorption of calcium from its salts, hypercalcemia cannot be induced even after the ingestion of massive oral doses. Calcium salts are soluble in bronchial fluid. Pure salts do not induce pneumoconiosis.

    Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances and quantity of material handled. The fine-milled grades can generate nuisance dusts that may be irritant to the eyes or on inhalation. The use of a respirator or dust mask is recommended to prevent excessive powder inhalation since excessive inhalation may saturate the bronchial fluid, leading to precipitation and thus blockage of the air passages.

    Calcium phosphate, dibasic anhydrous; calcium phosphate, dibasic dihydrate; calcium phosphate, tribasic; calcium sulfate hemihydrate.