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Calcium Carbonate

    Synonyms: Calcii carbonas; calcium carbonate (1 : 1); carbonic acid calcium salt (1 : 1); creta preparada; Destab; E170; MagGran CC; Micromite; Pharma-Carb; precipitated carbonate of lime; precipitated chalk; Vitagran; Vivapress Ca; Witcarb.

    Description: Calcium carbonate occurs as an odorless and tasteless white powder or crystals.

    Chemical Name: Carbonic acid, calcium salt

    Buffering agent; coating agent; colorant; opacifier; tablet binder; tablet and capsule diluent; therapeutic agent.

    • Calcium carbonate, employed as a pharmaceutical excipient, is mainly used in solid-dosage forms as a diluent.

    • It is also used as a base for medicated dental preparations, as a buffering agent, and as a dissolution aid in dispersible tablets.

    • Calcium carbonate is used as a bulking agent in tablet sugar-coating processes and as an opacifier in tablet film-coating.

    • Calcium carbonate is also used as a food additive and therapeutically as an antacid and calcium supplement.

    Incompatible with acids and ammonium salts

    Butylparaben and other parabens are widely used as antimicrobial preservatives in cosmetics and oral and topical pharmaceutical formulations. Systemically, no adverse reactions to parabens have been reported, although they have been associated with hypersensitivity reactions generally appearing as contact dematitis. Immediate reactions with urticaria and bronchospasm have occurred rarely. 

    Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances and quantity of material handled. Calcium carbonate may be irritant to the eyes and on inhalation. Eye protection, gloves, and a dust mask are recommended. Calcium carbonate should be handled in a wellventilated environment