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    DEA Class;  Rx

    Common Brand Names; Septocaine, Zorcaine with Epinephrine, Orabloc

    • Local Anesthetics, Amides; 
    • Local Anesthetics, Dental; 
    • Local Anesthetics, Parenteral

    Local anesthetics prevent generation/conduction of nerve impulses by reducing sodium permeability and increasing action potential threshold

    Indicated in Local, Infiltrative, or Conductive Anesthesia in Dental Procedures

    Hyperensitivity to amide-type local anesthetics, sulfites

    • Facial edema
    • Headache
    • Pain
    • Paresthesia
    • Sleepiness
    • Gingivitis
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Infection

    Systemic absorption of significant concentrations of local anesthetic can produce myocardial depression, cardiac conduction changes, CNS excitation, convulsions, and cardiorespiratory arrest, facial paralysis, hemorrhage, hyperesthesia, methemoglobinemia

    Vasoconstrictor epinephrine, will promote local hemostasis, decrease systemic absorption, increase duration of action

    Local anesthetics may produce cardiovascular effects when absorbed

    Risk of methemoglobinemia and sudden respiratory arrest

    CNS toxicity may occur; monitor state of consciousness, drowsiness, restlessness, anxiety, tinnitus, tremors, blurred vision following local injections of the anesthetic

    Avoid IV use

    Pregnancy Category: C

    Lactation: excretion in milk unknown; use with caution


    Local, Infiltrative, or Conductive Anesthesia in Dental Procedures

    Infiltration: 0.5-2.5 mL injection of 4% solution; 20-100 mg total dose

    Nerve block: 0.5-3.4 mL injection of 4% solution; 20-136 mg total dose

    Oral surgery: 1-5.1 mL injection of 4% solution; 40-204 mg total dose

    Not to exceed 7 mg/kg (0.175 mL/kg


    Local, Infiltrative, or Conductive Anesthesia in Dental Procedures

    <4 years: Safey and efficacy not established

    4-16 years: Use lower end of dose range; 0.76-5.65 mg/kg used safely in simple procedures; 0.37-7.48 mg/kg used safely in complex procedures

    Not to exceed 7 mg/kg (0.175 mL/kg) 


    injectable solution

    • 4% (40mg/mL)/1:100,000 (0.01mg/mL)
    • 4% (40 mg/mL)/1:200,000 (0.005mg/mL)