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    DEA Class;  Rx

    Common Brand Names; Amytal Sodium 

    • Sedative/Hypnotics; 
    • Barbiturates

    Amobarbital is an oral and IV barbiturate; longer acting than pentobarbital or secobarbital but shorter acting than phenobarbita. Used for insomnia, to relieve preoperative anxiety and produce sedation, and to control seizures. -schedule II controlled substance.

    Indicated for preanesthesia or sedation maintenance.

    For the treatment of insomnia.


    Patients with history of manifest or latent porphyria

    Significant impairment of liver function

    Respiratory disease in which dyspnea or obstruction is evident


    Nervous system: agitation, confusion, hyperkinesia, ataxia, CNS depression, nightmares, nervousness, psychiatric disturbance, hallucinations, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, abnormality in thinking

    Cardiovascular system: Bradycardia, hypotension, syncope

    Respiratory system: apnea, hypoventilation, postoperative atelectasis

    Digestive system: Constipation, vomiting, nausea

    Other adverse effects: Headache, injection site reactions, hypersensitivity reactions, fever, liver damage, megaloblastic anemia following chronic phenobarbital use

    Habit forming; tolerance and psychological dependence may occur with continued use

    Caution in patients that are mentally depressed, have suicide ideation or history of drug abuse and hepatic damage

    Rapid administration may cause respiratory depression, apnea, laryngospasm, or vasodilatation with decrease in blood pressure

    Parenteral solutions of barbiturates are highly alkaline; care should be taken to avoid perivascular extravasation or intra-arterial injection

    Amobarbital may diminish systemic effects of exogenous and endogenous corticosteroids. Administer with caution to patients with borderline hypoadrenal function, regardless of whether it is of pituitary or of primary adrenal origin

    Possible impairment of mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of potentially hazardous tasks, such as driving a car or operating machinery

    Concurrent use of barbiturates with other CNS depressants (eg, alcohol, narcotics, tranquilizers, antihistamines) may result in increased CNS-depressant effects

    Extravascular injection may cause local tissue damage with subsequent necrosis; consequences of intra-arterial injection may vary from transient pain to gangrene of the limb; any complaint of pain in the limb warrants stopping the injection

    Pregnancy Category: D

    Lactation: small amounts of barbiturates are excreted in the milk; use caution


    1,000 mg/dose IV/IM.


    1,000 mg/dose IV/IM.


    500 mg/dose IV.


    6 to 12 years: 500 mg/dose IV.
    1 to 5 years: Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.


    Safety and efficacy have not been established.

    Amobarbital sodium

    powder for injection: Schedule II

    • 500mg