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Sodium Thiosulfate

    Synonyms: Ametox; disodium thiosulfate; disodium thiosulfate pentahydrate; natrii thiosulfas; natrium thiosulfuricum; sodium hyposulfite; sodium subsulfite; Sodothiol; Sulfothiorine; thiosulfuric acid disodium salt.

    Description: Sodium thiosulfate occurs as odorless and colorless crystals, a crystalline powder or granules. It is efflorescent in dry air and deliquescent in moist air.

    Chemical Name: Sodium thiosulfate anhydrous 
    Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate

    • Sodium thiosulfate is used as an antioxidant in pharmaceuticals (ophthalmic, intravenous, and oral preparations).

    • It has also been used for its antifungal properties and as a reagent in analytical chemistry.

    Sodium thiosulfate is incompatible with iodine, with acids, and with lead, mercury, and silver salts. It may reduce the activity of some preservatives, including bronopol, phenylmercuric salts, and thimerosal.

    Sodium thiosulfate is used in ophthalmic, intravenous, and oral pharmaceutical preparations. Apart from osmotic disturbances, sodium thiosulfate is relatively nontoxic. It is moderately toxic by the subcutaneous route and mildly irritating to respiratory tract and skin. Large oral doses have a cathartic action.

    Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances and quantity of the material handled. Protective gloves are recommended for prolonged or repeated contact use. Hazardous products (sulfur oxides) are formed when heated to decomposition.