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    DEA Class;  Rx

    Common Brand Names; Pristiq, Khedezla (DSC)

    • Antidepressants, SNRIs

    Oral serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressant
    Used in adults for major depression
    Increased risk of suicidality during the initial stages of treatment in pediatric and young adult patients

    Indicated for the treatment of major depression.
    For the treatment of vasomotor symptoms (e.g., hot flashes) associated with menopause†.

    Hypersensitivity to desvenlafaxine succinate, venlafaxine hydrochloride or to any excipients in the desvenlafaxine formulation

    Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) shown occur with 50 mg/day dosage at rate higher than seen with placebo

    • Nausea (22-41%)
    • Dry mouth (11-25%)
    • Hyperhidrosis (10-21%)
    • Dizziness (10-16%)
    • Insomnia (9-15%)
    • Constipation (9-14%)
    • Somnolence (4-12%)
    • Fatigue (7-10%)
    • Increased total cholesterol of ≥50 mg/dL and an absolute value of ≥261 mg/dL (3-10%)
    • Decreased appetite (5-10%)
    • Vomiting (3-9%)
    • Tremor (2-9%)
    • Anorgasmia (3-8%)
    • Ejaculation delayed (1-7%)
    • Libido decreased (3-6%)
    • Triglycerides, fasting ≥327 mg/dL (2-6%)
    • Mydriasis (2-6%)
    • Vertigo (2-5%)
    • Anxiety (3-5%)
    • Blurred vision (3-4%)
    • Chills (1-4%)
    • Yawning (1-4%)
    • Abnormal dreams (2-3%)
    • Feeling jittery (1-3%)
    • Orgasm abnormal (1-3%)
    • Nervousness (<2%)
    • Tachycardia (<2%)
    • Asthenia (<2%)
    • Weight increased, liver function test abnormal, blood prolactin increased (<2%)
    • Musculoskeletal stiffness (<2%)
    • Syncope, convulsion, dystonia (<2%)
    • Depersonalization, bruxism (<2%)
    • Urinary retention (<2%)
    • Rash, alopecia, photosensitivity reaction, angioedema (<2%)

    Suicidality; monitor for clinical worsening and suicide risk (especially in children, adolescents, and young adults aged 18-24 years), during early phases of treatment and alterations in dosages

    Neonates exposed to SNRIs or SSRIs late in 3rd trimester of pregnancy have developed complications necessitating prolonged hospitalization, respiratory support, and tube feeding

    Control hypertension before initiating treatment; monitor blood pressure regularly during treatment; if sustained hypertension is observed, consider dosage reduction or discontinuance

    Risk of mydriasis; may trigger angle closure attack in patients with angle closure glaucoma with anatomically narrow angles without a patent iridectomy; avoid use of antidepressants, including desvenlafaxine, in patients with untreated anatomically narrow angles

    Use caution in patients with history of seizure disorders

    Screen for bipolar disorder; risk of mixed or manic episodes is increased in patients treated with antidepressants

    May precipitate shift to mania or hypomania in patients with bipolar disorder; avoid monotherapy in patients with bipolar disorder; screen for bipolar disorder patients presenting with depressive symptoms

    Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular or lipid metabolism disorders; monitor patients who have history of or are at risk for these disorders

    Pregnancy H3

    No published studies on desvenlafaxine in pregnant women; however published epidemiologic studies of pregnant women exposed to venlafaxine, the parent compound, have not reported a clear association with adverse developmental outcomes

    Available limited data from published literature show low levels of desvenlafaxine in human milk, and have not shown adverse reactions in breastfed infants

    There are no data on the effects of desvenlafaxine on milk production


    400 mg/day PO.


    400 mg/day PO.


    Safe and effective use has not been established.


    Safe and effective use has not been established.

    Sertraline hydrochloride

    tablet, extended release

    • Pristiq
      • 25mg (contains 38 mg of desvenlafaxine succinate)
      • 50mg (contains 76 mg of desvenlafaxine succinate)
      • 100mg (contains 152 mg of desvenlafaxine succinate)